TickTrader PAMM:

Attract more traders,
Get more income

Product description


TickTrader PAMM system Forex software offers an opportunity to introduce an investment tool that will attract a whole new category of traders to a brokerage.

Soft-FX PAMM Forex system software enables the mechanism of investing in Masters who have experience in trading confirmed by statistical data and, accordingly, expanding the number of individuals who can use your services.


What is PAMM technology?

PAMM system Forex software is a technology which implies placing funds of investors (Followers) connected to a specific offer on a single account managed by a trader (the Master).

Manager can trade investors' funds at his discretion. The distribution of profits and losses is proportional to each participant's share in accordance with the amount of investment.

What is TickTrader PAMM technology?

TickTrader PAMM system Forex software enables the opportunity for your best-performing clients to showcase their abilities to the tens of thousands of potential investors that are in need of experienced traders to follow.

Unlike hundreds of virtually identical PAMM solutions, our product is much more than a regular server plugin for MT4/MT5 platforms. Soft-FX PAMM is a fully-featured SaaS web portal, with an advanced statistical computation system that presents all required information as a user-friendly graphical layout.

Why choose TickTrader PAMM?

Multi-server architecture

The PAMM Forex service offers a robust multi-server architecture, allowing users to connect unlimited MT4 and MT5 servers into a single PAMM platform. This feature ensures seamless operations and enhances the scalability of the service.

Database replication

With database replication, the PAMM service provides full access to all relevant data through the database. This enables easy management of the service, allowing administrators to efficiently monitor and analyze performance metrics, track investor activity, and perform necessary account adjustments.

Easy integration

Launching the PAMM service is hassle-free and straightforward. It requires only a list of groups to be provided, making the integration process quick and efficient. This user-friendly feature simplifies the setup process, allowing brokers or financial institutions to get the service up and running with minimal effort.

Perfected optimization

The PAMM Forex service prioritizes optimized performance and efficient resource utilization. It is designed to create minimal trade server load, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted operation even during high trading volumes. By minimizing the server load, the service maximizes efficiency and provides an optimal trading experience for both investors and managers.

Minimum deposit

The PAMM service offers a low barrier to entry for investors. With a minimum deposit requirement of just $1, individuals can join the service and participate in open trades immediately. This feature enhances accessibility and encourages broader participation, allowing investors with various financial capabilities to benefit from the PAMM Forex service.

TickTrader PAMM workflow

Introducing Masters and Followers

The product connects the two categories of your platform's clients, Masters and Followers.

Masters are clients who successfully trade on their accounts and provide other traders the opportunity to copy their trading strategies.

Followers are clients who accepted an offer to copy Master’s trading strategy on Follower Account.

Masters manage their personal funds through a given PAMM Account, and their trading strategy is replicated on the Followers' own funds. PAMM Account performance can be viewed and analyzed with the help of advanced analytics that provides information in digital and graphic forms.

Managing Masters and Followers

Unlike many other PAMM solutions, TickTrader PAMM software allows Followers to select a Master that meets specific criteria in terms of performance and risk management requirements. The followers retain complete control of their deposits and withdrawals, with all fees and commissions being transparent.

  • Masters can set up multiple Offers with different parameters for Followers with varied funds and risk profiles.
  • The service keeps each Follower Account record individually, and the gains and losses are automatically distributed by the system between the Master and the Followers based on the proportion of assigned funds, so that each party receives its part of return.
  • Potential Followers make their choices based on the performance charts displaying the Masters’ past trading results.
  • Soft-FX PAMM service allows the Master to import their Myfxbook trading history.

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How TickTrader PAMM protects investor’s interests

Investor funds are protected by terms of use

Followers have an exclusive right to assign and revoke funds at any time and to compose an Offer with their own parameters.

Full automation

All the settlement operations (the distribution of profits, losses and the Master’s fees) are automatically carried out by the PAMM Service.

Accessible analytics

Followers can choose their masters knowledgeably with a set of assessment tools, public monitoring and performance ratings of PAMM Accounts.


Convergence of goals and objectives

The service requires Masters to trade their own funds, thus aligning the interests of Followers and Masters.

Drawdown limit

This mechanism allows to reduce losses of Followers' funds in case of unprofitable trading on a PAMM account.

Turnkey concept execution

Full-service cycle

We take full responsibility for the deployment, setup, and update of the service. A client would need just to fill in an xls. questionnaire with all the data we need for integration.

Upon release, you will receive a fully functional service ready for operation. The complete configuration and installation process takes no more than 4 weeks. The Soft-FX support team will always be around to help on every step of your journey.

Seamless operations

Once the service is set up and running, it does not require any maintenance from the broker and support can be even transferred to a third party.

For clearer and more comprehensive integration of the product into your business, the service activity reports can be uploaded to the broker's servers.

Gentle learning curve

The architecture and functionality of the service are designed so as not to overwhelm a manager during the whole introduction period.

Two weeks of ordering customer’s time are more than enough to fully and smoothly immerse in all the intricacies of investment platform software and aspects of integration with Metatrader products.

Comparison table of
Soft-FX PAMM software and other related services

Since TickTrader PAMM is a pure form of PAMM service, this table allows you to compare product features with similar investment models.

Feature PAMM technology Copy-trading MAM & LAMM
Can Followers stop trading at any time?
Can Followers limit their risks?
Can you avoid installing any additional modules on Metatrader servers? This is very important in case WL Metatrader license is used
Can a trader start following with 1 USD?
Do Followers start getting profit from the moment they join a Master? Not even close
Can Master import the existing trading statistics?
Do Followers start getting profit from the moment they join a Master?
What about using multiple Metatrader servers? Possible. Masters and Followers can be located on different MT4 PAMM and MT5 PAMM servers More Metatrader servers would need more modules to be installed that could lead to more issues

Case study

FXPrimus is a Forex trading services broker. They give traders access to major markets like currencies, indices, commodities, and shares. Regulated by CySEC (Licence: 261/14), FXPrimus has been established since 2009.

"Soft-FX offered us the best service terms and MT4 PAMM software with an excellent price/quality ratio — TickTrader PAMM technology.

When used over a long period of time, the product really shines: we have gathered an impressive portfolio of Masters, and the total number of clients and trading volumes have increased accordingly."

Experience before implementing TickTrader PAMM technology

The company management chose to attract an additional category of retail clients to the platform, with no experience in trading, but with the willingness and capacity to invest in seasoned traders. The PAMM service was chosen as the technology, with a number of requirements:

  • since the WL Metatrader license was used, it was important to avoid installing additional modules;
  • minimum entry threshold for investors;
  • possibility to import trade statistics;
  • the maximum degree of automation of all client service processes.
Experience after implementing TickTrader PAMM technology

With TickTrader PAMM, the FXPRIMUS team acquired comprehensive Forex PAMM software that proved to be a great sales tool and positively influenced the company's profitability:

  • FXPRIMUS received an influx of customers investing in an extensive pool of Masters;
  • every process connected with TickTrader PAMM is automated, which makes it much easier for the support team to work with the product and related customers;
  • The TickTrader PAMM trading system significantly increased the money flow.
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